After you have completed an addiction treatment program it is vital to be involved in aftercare. Just like you could not beat the addiction on your own, you do not want to try to maintain your sobriety on your own. A rehab aftercare program provides the stability you need to stay on the straight and narrow. When circumstances force you to reconsider your dedication to a sober life, who will you turn to? By staying in touch with your therapists and following a well-designed aftercare program that has been put in place for you, your chances of becoming a productive member of society greatly increase. Falling back under the spell of addiction can have dire consequences. Half of all people seeking treatment will relapse but those who take part in an aftercare program are more likely to succeed.

Those who have an aftercare program as part of their recovery are three times more likely to stay off alcohol and drugs than those who don’t have a post-treatment plan in place or decline to take part in one. Those following an aftercare program are also four times more likely to be opiate-free and five times more likely to be drug-free for the six-month period after they are on their own. Aftercare is a lifetime commitment and will always be a part of your life. It can involve professional help or be handled on your own.

What Is Aftercare?

All rehab aftercare programs begin by putting a relapse prevention plan in place. Each plan is individualized with that client’s special needs being addressed. The therapeutic methods that were utilized during the addiction treatment process will continue as necessary with every client’s personal circumstances considered. Although follow-up treatments are a part of it, it is up to the client to use the coping skills learned in therapy to maintain their sobriety and reach out for help when needed. You are not alone just because your treatment for your addiction has reached the point where you are now the one in control. Aftercare keeps you connected to the people who know your addiction and mental health histories and are best situated to offer assistance when you require it.

What to Expect from a Rehab Aftercare Program

A rehab aftercare program may include some or all of the following:

  • Participation in group counseling such as a 12-step program
  • Ongoing counseling and appointments with licensed therapists
  • Taking advantage of any education opportunities related to better understanding living a sober life such as skills and strategies related to coping with your addiction

Reach Out to Virtues Behavioral Health Today

A rehab aftercare program is not done all on your own. You learn to live with your addiction with the arsenal of coping skills and other methods that have helped you get and stay sober during your treatment program. By putting what you have learned in an addiction treatment center to good use in your daily life, you will have taken huge strides to control your impulses and modifying your behavior.

Aftercare is essential to your continued well-being and adhering to your relapse prevention plan will do you a world of good. You are now in charge of your life but you have help along the way to make the transition. At Virtues Behavioral Health in Los Angeles, California we provide comfortable private therapy spaces, lounge areas with games, modern group session rooms, and coffee, tea, and refreshments. We are located in West Los Angeles and provide a warm and welcoming space to attend to your recovery and rejuvenation. Call us today at 855.579.8599 to take the first step on your journey to wellness and recovery.

virtues behavioral health logoVirtues Behavioral Health is a substance abuse treatment center in Los Angeles, California. We offer addiction and mental health treatment at our outpatient rehab center. Our substance abuse treatment programs help clients avoid relapse and rebuild their lives. Contact our Los Angeles addiction treatment center at 855.265.7710